Booty's Beauty New releases for Catwa, Lelutka, omega bento mesh heads or static heads

*Booty's Beauty* Catwa Makeup ~ Delectable eye shadow is worn in this picture along with the cleo makeup lipstick. I have learned the expensive way that you can dress under just 500 lindens and still look amazing. For example the black leather dress worn in this picture , i found at the  25l hunt  at Ricielli - Valentines Hunt 2017 # ITEM 14. zthere over twenty items consisting of blouses, shoes and dresses
 Beauty can only be defined by the makeup you chose in secondlife. So to make a beautiful avatar it takes a lot of time and work.. Everything you own doesnt have to be expensive, you just have to have the eye for an expensive brand look at an affordable price .
 New amazing  makeup releases at Booties Beauty
Blossom lipstick is subtle yet so sexy as it the traces the lips
It comes in six shades   
 Chill Gloss lipsticks are rich shades with glittering luscious sparkles


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